Rentals not included.
Rentals not included. Must be 18 years old or younger or show valid student ID.
Rentals not included.
Rentals not included.
Free with membership or day pass.
This is a 4 week course that does not include gear. Instructions up to V5 free with membership. Or you can pay $30 per class.
An hour of instruction. Gear included.
This is an 8 week class. This includes a membership and gear!
This is an 8 week class. This includes a membership and gear!
Prices vary.
Discounted to $25 for members. Gear included.
Debited monthly. Doesn’t include shoe or harness rental. Add a dependent to your membership for $30/person.
Debited monthly. Doesn’t include shoe or harness rental. Must be age 22 or younger with valid student ID.
Debited monthly with valid KU ID. Must be 18 years old or younger.
Does not include shoe or harness rental
Does not include shoe or harness rental. Add a dependent to your membership for $350/person.
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